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I am more than pleased with the personal service I have received... Always there to answer questions... tried others but was disappointed until I moved to Talon. 10+ rating.

— Lindsey S.

Bryan Bentley is a great guy. He's got my back financially and that makes me feel comfortable. Thanks for being there.

— Mike Foisy

Enjoyed Mike and his staff covering investment options and how to moderate risk.

— Lyle Christensen

Mike Lester took the time to have a personal conversation with me. The investment options were explained clearly without a lot of industry jargon. The team at Talon Wealth has been responsive, personable, and professional.

— Edward Pucetas

Bryan is excellent to work with and it is refreshing to find someone very knowledgeable, excellent in his field, yet continues to put his client's needs first. He is a credit to the Talon team and their philosophy to be a true fiduciary.

— Jeanne Probasco

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I am more than pleased with the personal service I have received... Always there to answer questions... tried others but was disappointed until I moved to Talon. 10+ rating.

— Lindsey S.

Bryan Bentley is a great guy. He's got my back financially and that makes me feel comfortable. Thanks for being there.

— Mike Foisy

Enjoyed Mike and his staff covering investment options and how to moderate risk.

— Lyle Christensen

Mike Lester took the time to have a personal conversation with me. The investment options were explained clearly without a lot of industry jargon. The team at Talon Wealth has been responsive, personable, and professional.

— Edward Pucetas

Bryan is excellent to work with and it is refreshing to find someone very knowledgeable, excellent in his field, yet continues to put his client's needs first. He is a credit to the Talon team and their philosophy to be a true fiduciary.

— Jeanne Probasco